Laveen Online Academy
Estrella Foothills is also home to Laveen Online Academy.
The Laveen Online Academy is a full online school, serving students in Grades 3-8. For those students accepted, the Laveen Online Academy (LOA) will be their new home school for the entire school year.
The vision of the LOA is to utilize research-based online best practices to provide students with rigorous learning opportunities that will help them acquire the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary for achievement in high school and beyond.
The Laveen Online Academy will be using our core academic content and curriculum that are directly aligned to our state standards. Teachers will make real-world connections through their daily delivery of both synchronous and asynchronous learning, which will include daily live teacher-led instruction, self-guided learning, and applications such as labs, group projects, and book studies. Teachers will also utilize whole group and small group instruction to differentiate their support and guidance for all learners. Students and parents will also have timely support from the technology help desk as needed.
This online school is best suited for the student who is self-motivated, demonstrates academic mastery of grade-level content and thrives emotionally in a virtual environment. Online students should have adult supervision during the school day, a designated learning space to engage in live lessons and complete assignments, and access to reliable internet service.
While housed at Estrella Foothills Global Academy (EFGA), the Laveen Online Academy is its own school. Estrella Foothills only provides the space for on-site testing and opportunities for extracurricular activities. Laveen Online Academy students will need to follow the student handbook expectations while on campus. EFGA’s personnel provide administrative support and oversight.